Pharmaceutical Analysis-I
The book “Pharmaceutical Analysis - I” is a culmination and very honest, sincere effect the level and aspirations of Pharmacy students for the undergraduate level. This textbook is written as per syllabus prescribed by Pharmacy Council India. Many students do not have a good background in Pharmaceutical Analysis- I. We have tried to make simpler and easily understandable to our students for whom this book has been written. The book consists of 5 chapters, further each chapter starts with the introduction followed by a subtopic specified in the syllabus such as introduction to pharmaceutical analysis, errors, pharmacopoeia, limit tests, acid base titrations, non-aqueous titrations, precipitation, complexometric, gravimetry and diazodisation titrations, redox titrations, electrochemical methods of analysis – condctometry, potentiometry and polarography.
The book allows for the lucid understanding of different types of titrations. The subject matter will be interest to the students and together of pharmacy and general science courses. We hope the reader to find the book more informative and rewarding. The constrictive suggestions to readers for further improving the presentation of subject matter of the book. A detailed index at the end of the book will be of great help to the readers.
Pharmaceutical Analysis And Errors
Pharmacopoeia And Limit Tests
Acid-Base Titrations
Non – Aqueous Titration
Precipitation Titration
Complexometric Titrations
Diazotization Titration
Redox Titrations
Electro Chemical Methods of Analysis
L.M.Atherden., Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Skoog, West and James Holler., Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry Saunders College Publishing, New Delhi.
Indian Pharmacopoeia -2018, Govt. of India, Published by the Controller of Publications, New Delhi.
Adelbert M.Knewl., Jenkine Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
S.M. Khospkar., Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry Wiley Bastern Ltd.
Ashutosh Kar, Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis second edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
Ashutosh Kar, Pharmaceutical Analysis vol.II, First edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi,2009.
Skoog D.A., HollerF.J. And Nriman T.A., Principles of Instrumental Analysis, fifth edition. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, London, 1998.
Kissinger, P.T. and W.R. Heinemann, Laboratory Techniques in Electro analytical Chemistry, New York, Marcel Dekker, 1984.
Gurdeep R. Chatwal and Sham K. Anand, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis ( Analytical Chemistry), fifth edition ,Himalaya Publishing House, Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai,2008.
Willard Merritt, Dean and Settle, Instrumental Methods of Analysis seventh edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1986.
Ravi Sankar S.Text Book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, third edition, Ootacamund: Rx Publications; 2001.
Chaithanya Sudha P.D. Pharmaceutical Analysis, first edition, published by Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt.Ltd, 2013.
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